
Chính sách công: so sánh kinh nghiệm quốc tế

Vui lòng tham khảo trên Microsoft Teams

Giảng viên phụ trách:  Jonathan Pincus

Ngôn ngữ giảng dạy:    Tiếng Anh

Why do policies and policy outcomes differ from country to country? Even countries at similar levels of development pursue starkly contrasting policies on important issues such as public health, education and environmental protection. Students of the policy making process often cite factors such as history, culture, institutions, and ideas to explain these differences, but are there deeper causes at work? Comparing policy outcomes across countries provides an interesting perspective on policy making and helps us arrive at a deeper understanding of of policy making in Vietnam. The class considers the constraints that interest groups impose on policy makers and the impact of globalization on the room for maneuver of domestic decision-makers. Case studies are drawn from comparative study of economic development strategies and policies relating to higher education, social assistance and the transition to renewable energy.

Assessment will take the form of a group project and an in-class examination. Class participation will also be assessed


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